Thanks folks, that's makes more sense, so you can have multiple services
on one connection.
Cleanup the services via the dispose() and cleanup the connection via

Cheers Arv

-----Original Message-----
From: Arv Mistry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2008 11:41 AM
Subject: RE: Too many open files


I see, on the server side the port is in the LISTEN state and when I
connect my client, the port is in the state ESTABLISHED, this then is
removed when I disconnect. I think that's all correct.

But when I do a lsof -p <pid> | wc -l it appears not all the services
are cleaned up i.e. there are a lot of eventpoll and socket instances.

I must be not cleaning up properly;

  I'm using NioSocketConnector().connect to connect to the client. I get
the session from the ConnectFuture that that returns. I then call the
close() on  this when disconnecting.

 Am I missing something? Do I need to call the dispose() on the
NioSocketConnetor also?
 Thanks again.

Cheers Arv

-----Original Message-----
From: Niklas Gustavsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2008 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: Too many open files

On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 10:05 PM, Arv Mistry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are there any known issues with Mina 2.0, leaving too many open file 
> descriptors?
> I have simplified my client, so all I do is connect to a server and 
> disconnect (i.e. call close() on session .
> This is triggered by command line input so that I can control it.
> I find when I do a lsof -p <pid> | wc -l following the 
> connect/disconnect, that the number goes up by 20 each time and stays 
> up. I'm not familiar with TCP at that low a level but it seems to be 
> the pipe/eventpoll instances that arent cleaned up.

If you do a netstat -a do you see sockets on your port, if so, what
state are they in?


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