Mezei Zoltan wrote:
However it yielded the following log messages only:

16:44:01.530 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG test - Before connect...
16:44:01.546 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG test - After connect...
16:44:01.546 [pool-1-thread-1] DEBUG test - Before await...

And nothing else.

The same code from a standalone application produces the following log
messages (I added an additional logging line here:

logger.debug("Before await...");
logger.debug("After await...");


16:50:48.796 [main] DEBUG test - Before connect...
16:50:48.812 [main] DEBUG test - After connect...
16:50:48.812 [main] DEBUG test - Before await...
16:50:49.718 [main] DEBUG test - Connection refused: no further information
16:50:49.718 [main] DEBUG test - After await...

It's OK if I get the connection refused message as there are nothing
listening on the address I use, but then why don't I get the same
error from the web application? It seems that the
waitUninterruptably() call just waits, but it doesn't terminate when
the connection attempt is unsuccessful. Somehow it makes sense, as the
ConnectionRequest is null, so I wouldn't wait for it to somehow
provide a proper, terminating ConnectFuture.

I hope it makes sense for you.
Without a clear sample of code, no. And I can't build the FtpServer war, for some unknown reason, so it's pretty hard to understand what's going on here...

cordialement, regards,
Emmanuel Lécharny

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