> It's a bit tricky :
> the session can be connected, but the sessionCreated event might not be
> called yet. As we need to get the 'lock' object which is injected into the
> session to run the test, we have to wait for the sessionCreated to be
> executed (because this is the place where this lock is added to the
> session).
> Now, the session.isConnected() method is a bit crippled. It's set to false
> when the session is closed (and it can take some time, as many listeners may
> be called and we will wait for their completion), but there is no place
> where the session is set to connected. It's simply considered as connected
> unless it's closed. o there are some race condition where the session will
> be considered as connected, even if all the initialization is not done
> (typically, if we are waiting for this 'lock' to be stored into the
> session), which may make the test fail.
> Sounds crazy, but trust me, this part of the code is more insane than I am
> :)
> PS : I'm pretty sure that a better session state mechanism could be
> implemented. It sound totally crazy that a session is considered to be
> "connected" simply because it's not closed. At least two new states should
> be added ( "Initializing" and "connected").

Fair enough.
tcp/ip has an easy enough state diagram to google for.
udp being connectionless doesn't seem to have such a diagram.

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