Le 10/02/16 10:08, Norbert Irmer a écrit :
> I attached a stacktrace of the two threads, which are in a deadlock.
> Jon maybe right, when saying the write stack is threadsafe, the problem is, 
> that simultaneously
> a read operation is going on, and both stacks use the same filters.

The stakcs you provided are useless. What we really need here is the
full stack dump.

Also note that the filter is instanciated as many times as there are
sessions, so the real problem is when a session is processed by two
different threads. That might make sense in some use case, but we have
to guarantee that the encryption and decryption of messages are done
fully before dealing with the next message. This is the reason we have a
lock in the SslHandler.

That being said, there *is* something wrong and we need to figure out
what it is and how to get it fixed.

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