Le 20/09/16 à 19:55, Guy Itzhaki a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I've upgraded mina from 2.0.9 to 2.0.13 and since then I keep getting this 
> entry  in the log
> 20/09/16 20:20:00 WARN  [NioProcessor-2] IoProcessor - Create a new selector. 
> Selected is 0, delta = 0
> Is it a code left over or on purpose?

Yes, and it's a Warning, so you can get rid of it by setting the log
level to ERROR.

Now, if you switch to 2.0.14 which has been released 2 weeks ago, the
issue will be less frequent (actually, it should not happen at all),
because we have fixed a bug in this area (beside other few annying bugs).

I would also wait one more week, when 2.0.15 will be out, as it fixes
some other serious issue.

Side note : this log is dumped because there is a bug in NIO, that makes
the select() method returns immediately even if there is no active
selectionKey, leading in some very specific use cases to an infinite
loop, eating 100% of your CPU. In this case, we simply delete the
Selector and recreate a new one registring all the selectionKeys to this
new Selector. Pretty technical...

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