Yeah, it looks like the two options are:

1) parse out the form values yourself
2) create an alternate lifecycle that conditionally skips the validation phase.

Have you found any shortcuts for pulling in and populating the form
values?  Seems like a lot of duplication of JSF functionality.

On 8/4/05, Eric Kelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I figured out a way to get this to work. I have the immediate value for the
> button set to immediate="true" and then I created an actionListener that
> populates the backing bean with the values manually. Hope this helps.
> ---------
> Eric Kelm
> Developer, VSG Worldwide LLC
> 510 Spur 63
> Longview, TX 75601
> ->-----Original Message-----
> ->From: Mike Kienenberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ->Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 4:07 PM
> ->To: MyFaces Discussion
> ->Subject: Re: Problem with commandButton and required form fields
> ->
> ->I don't have any answers yet, but I'm having the same issue.
> ->
> ->On 8/4/05, Eric Kelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ->> Hi all,
> ->>
> ->> I am having a problem with a form in an application I am working on and
> ->was
> ->> wondering if anyone else had the problem.  I have a large form that is
> ->part
> ->> of a tabbed pane, where there are many form fields that are required
> ->> (required="true"). Within this form I have a place where a user can
> ->enter
> ->> information in 2 of the form fields and click an "Add" button which adds
> ->> values from the 2 form fields to a backing bean.  The problem lies in
> ->that
> ->> if any of the other fields on the form are required, this "add" function
> ->> will fail due to failed form validations.  I cannot make the "Add"
> ->button
> ->> immediate="true" because this bypasses the apply request values phase if
> ->I
> ->> understand correctly. Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks in
> ->> advance. Hope this makes sense.
> ->>
> ->>
> ->> ---------
> ->> Eric Kelm
> ->> Developer, VSG Worldwide LLC
> ->> 510 Spur 63
> ->> Longview, TX 75601
> ->>
> ->>
> ->>
> ->>
> ->>

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