I've found that I have been able to do everything I have wanted using jsf. You can, for example, "include" a bullet list in another page by doing something like this:

        <h:outputText value="<ul><li>#{index.HomePageText3}</li>
                <li>#{index.HomePageText8}</li></ul>" escape="false"/>


Simon Kitching wrote:
I'm talking about stuff like:
  <li><h:outputText value="#{somebean.item1}"/>
  <li><h:outputText value="#{somebean.item2}"/>

which will render normally if the page it is in is the one redirected to by the jsf navigation. But if it's a page *included* into another, eg by using Tiles then you get:

(or maybe it's the html first; I forget).

Even &nbsp; will cause you problems. I bet if you "view source" on the generated pages, you'll find that the &nbsp; isn't in the place you expected it to be. Of course if it's just occasional usage you can work around that with:
  <h:outputText escape="true" value="&nbsp;"/>
That workaround quickly becomes unmanageable though for cases like the list above.



Hmm.  What kind of plain HTML are you talking about?  We very rarely use
plain HTML anymore, except for stuff like &nbsp;

- Brendan

-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Kitching [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 3:10 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: Tiles standalone

How do you deal with the fact that in included jsp pages which mix plain

html and JSF tags, the output gets generated out-of-order?

This is a real killer, and just yesterday I made the decision to give up

on using Tiles for this reason; it makes writing pages really clumsy.
I would love to know if there is a workaround for this problem that doesn't involve wrapping every bit of plain HTML in <f:verbatim> or <h:outputText escape="true">.



We're using Tiles with JSF quite successfully, although the JAR file we're using is struts.jar (not stand-alone Tiles).  Most books on JSF (e.g., Core JavaServer Faces and O'Reilly's JavaServer Faces) have a chapter on using Tiles with JSF.
I haven't looked into facelets, though, so that could well be
- Brendan

    -----Original Message-----
    *From:* Andrew robinson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
    *Sent:* Tuesday, October 04, 2005 9:22 AM
    *To:* MyFaces Discussion; Rafael Nami
    *Subject:* Re: Tiles standalone

    Don't attempt to use Tiles with JSF, it is kluged and messy. Use
    facelets instead, they have much better fuctionality for
    integration with JSF.


    On 10/4/05, *Rafael Nami* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

        Hi everyone.

        I was trying to search some info about tiles standalone, but I
        couldn't find anything in apache jakarta site. Where can i
        find such
        What is the compatibility with JSF/MyFaces?

        Thanks in advance

        Rafael Mauricio Nami

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