I would like to know if I was deleting nodes correctly in the tree.
I get the tree : 

FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                ht = (HtmlTree) facesContext.getViewRoot()
                root = (ValidationTreeNode)ht.getValue();

I get the list of children, 
Iterator it = root.getChildren().iterator();
and remove the one I don't need any more via an iterator over that list. 
And then : 
ht.setValue(root); or //ht.setValue(root);

But doing this, I got strange problems : 
I get the exception
Node with id 0:0. Failed to parse 0:0:0
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Node with id 0:0. Failed to parse 0:0:0
 or not (it is  not predictible).
Or it looses (I think) the ids and it affects the rest of the page (some <br>
are turned into &alt br &alt if I don't put MY ids)
If I put my ids in the rest of the components, then the ergonomics is not
affected. The last example every time I remove a node.
For the exception above it occurs whenever it wants!

Is there a proper way to use the tree2?
Any help would be very appreciated.

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