Several Points here
1) Using Security Attributes within your pages.
I'm about to release 1.0 of the jsf-security project on SourceForge ( this provides extensions to EL which will give you a new scope #{securityScope} and a bunch of attributes and pseudo functions such as #{securityScope.isUserInRole['manager,admin']} which allow you to  use expressions to control rendering and read-only states of components - even if they are not "role" enabled in the way that the myfaces components are. jsf-security is fully pluggable and so if you use Acegi or a home grown Authorization / Authentication mechanism you can plug it in underneath the same consistent EL.
The current version hooks into Container Security, and we've just started a JAAS adapter as well.
If anyone wants to get involved - particularly of you use Acegi today get in touch.
For more info on this see this blog entry: and the project on SF. You can pull the source from CVS today and build - it all works I just need to write the doc and the localize the message strings...

2) Using the database to Authenticate / Authorize
Your mileage will vary from container to container, but with OC4J (& Oracle App server) you can plus in your own custom login modules that can do just this - Frank and I who work on the jsf-security project just posted a paper on that process a few weeks back:
Declarative J2EE authentication and authorization with JAAS


Dave wrote:
hi Andrew,
How to get a Realm object so that I can call authenticate()? I am using Database to store username and password. Thanks.

Andrew robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am using the built in Tomcat DataSourceRealm so that single sign-on is possible. My login is still using a normal JSP instead of JSF, so I can't use JSF components to build my login page. Has anyone integrated the form-base web.xml authentication with a JSF login page?

On 10/4/05, Mike Kienenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
I've switch from a login page to a filter that authenticates and sets
the User database record in the session.  (Actually, I fetch this
record every request, and store it in the request, but that may be too
excessive for your situation).

I then have additional filters that work on that data to provide
coarse-grain security (ie, if you don't pass the filter, you can't
access any of the application).

I also have a SecurityRoleManager bean that provides fine-grain
control by operating on the record stored in the session.   Ie,

On 10/4/05, Eurig Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to decide on a Login/Logout system to protect my files using
> JSF.. I've played about with extending NavigationHandler, but the
> problem is, it doesn't protect the files which aren't JSF, and you can
> still run the JSP files if you wanted to...
> How have you people gone about a database driven login/logout system
> using Faces?

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Duncan Mills
Senior Principal Product Manager
Oracle Application Development Tools


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