
First make sure you are using a facelets taglib.xml file that defines
the jscookmenu and navigationMenuItem components.   Those aren't
defined in the "Use_Facelets_with_Tomahawk" file yet, so I'm not sure
if anyone has successfully used them with facelets.   (Seems like a
couple of people have had issues with facelets and jscookmenu in the
past, but it's unclear if it's working yet).

Second, it looks like at least one bug was fixed on Nov 2nd, so you'll
need to upgrade to a nightly build since 1.1.1 was released before

If anyone else is using facelets + jscookmenu successfully, perhaps
that person could update the tomahawk.taglib.xml file on the wiki.


On 11/11/05, Thomas Spiegl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Seems to be a problem concerning myfaces & facelets. Can you send me a
> small sample application using facelets instead of jsp? I will have a
> look at it.
> regards,
> Thomas
> On 11/11/05, Cameron Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm trying to use the jscookmenu component from jsf.  However, the page
> > is only displaying a single menu item with the label "Submit Query".  My
> > deployment environment consists of:
> >   - version 1.1.1 of myfaces-all.jar
> >   - JBoss version 4.0.3 SP1
> >   - sun jdk1.5.0_05
> >
> >
> > My faclet looks like this:
> >
> > <!DOCTYPE composition PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
> > "";>
> > <ui:composition xmlns="";
> >                 xmlns:ui="";
> >                   xmlns:f="";
> >                 xmlns:t="";
> >                 template="template2.xhtml">
> >     <ui:define name="content2">
> >         <f:view>
> >             <t:jscookMenu layout="hbr" theme="ThemeOffice">
> >                 <t:navigationMenuItem id="nav_1" itemLabel="nav_1"
> > action="main"/>
> >                 <t:navigationMenuItem id="nav_2" itemLabel="nav_2"
> > action="main">
> >                     <t:navigationMenuItem id="nav_2_1"
> > itemLabel="nav_2_1" action="main"/>
> >                 </t:navigationMenuItem>
> >                 <t:navigationMenuItem id="nav_3" itemLabel="nav_3"
> > action="main"/>
> >             </t:jscookMenu>
> >         </f:view>
> >     </ui:define>
> > </ui:composition>
> >
> >
> > The html being generated looks like this:
> >
> > <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" SYSTEM
> > "";>
> > <html xmlns="";>
> >     <head>
> >         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
> > charset=iso-8859-1"/>
> >         <title>Symboticware Pando</title>
> >         <link href="css/sng.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
> >     </head>
> >     <body>
> >         <form id="_tagId0" name="_tagId0" method="post"
> > action="/pando/jscookmenu_example.jsf"
> > enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
> >             <input type="hidden" name="jsf_tree_64" id="jsf_tree_64"
> > value="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"
> > />
> > <input type="hidden" name="jsf_state_64" id="jsf_state_64"
> > value="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"
> > /><input type="hidden" name="jsf_viewid" id="jsf_viewid"
> > value="/jscookmenu_example.xhtml" />
> >             <div id="header"/>
> >             <div id="container2">
> >
> >                 <div id="content2"><input id="_tagId0:_tagId3"
> > name="_tagId0:_tagId3" type="submit" onclick="clear__5FtagId0();" />
> >                 </div>
> >             </div>
> >             <div id="footer"/>
> >         <input type="hidden" name="_tagId0_SUBMIT" value="1" /><input
> > type="hidden" name="_tagId0:_link_hidden_" /><script
> > type="text/javascript"><!--
> > function clear__5FtagId0() {
> >   var f = document.forms['_tagId0'];
> >   f.elements['_tagId0:_link_hidden_'].value='';
> >'';
> > }
> > clear__5FtagId0();
> > //--></script></form>
> >     </body>
> > </html>
> >
> >
> > Any help is greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Cameron.
> >
> --
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> JSF Consulting, Development and
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