What about callling "this.setFlag(true)" as the first line of code in
"#{bean.check}?"   If it's a matter of having both true and false,
create "checkTrue() and checkFalse()" -- you can even have them both
call "check()" after setting the flag value.

On 3/17/06, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <h:form>
>    ....
> <h:commandButton value="Check"
>      action="#{bean.check}" immediate="true">
>      <t:updateActionListener property="#{bean.flag}"
>                value="false" />
> </h:commandButton>
> </h:form>
> What I need is:
>     set a flag(boolean) before Model update phase, then
>     go to Model update phase, then
>     go to Invoke Applicate phase, call the action method.
> However, set immediate=true, both Action listener and action method are
> executed in ApplyRequestValue phase, and Model update is skipped.
> If immediate= false, normal life cycle.  Action listener and action method
> are executed in InvokeApplication phase.
> Both ways are not what I need.
> Using <param> under <commandButton> will solve the problem.
>     Model update setter methods can check the <param> value.
> But this can be a security issue because client can pass a parameter in URL
> to collapse the server side.
> Any other solutions?
> Thanks for ideas.
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