On 3/18/06, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> HtmlCommandButton is a subclass of UICommand.  Should I subclass
> HtmlCommandButton and override queueEvent(), like

Yes, I think that should work.   Give it a try and see.

> I am new to creating custom components. How to set it up so that I can use
> it in JSP? like tag, where to put the tag description, etc.

For JSP, to create a new component, you would need to specify it in
your faces-config.xml file and in a tld file.   I'm not really very
knowledgeable about JSP, though, as I use facelets instead.   You
could just copy what's in there for HtmlCommandButton.

You might also be able to replace the component-type class for
HtmlCommandButton directly in the faces-config file.   Maybe you
wouldn't need to create a new component definition if you're willing
to use your new component everywhere you currently using an


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