Hi Wolf,

>From a quick glance you have "globalOnly=true" in your h:messages and it
looks like you're adding a message with a handle "userForm:errors"
(non-global). Try setting globalOnly to false or creating a faces
message with a "null" handle (to make the message global).

For the second problem of using outputLabel with h:message , I don't see
any code adding a faces message for component id="globalErrorMsg" so
likely as not it will not show anything. But I don't think Ive
understood what you're trying to do here so this may not be an
appropriate answer...


PS: shouldn't it be *growl* =)

-----Original Message-----
From: Wolf Benz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 11 August 2006 5:53 AM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: JSF Life Cycle / JSF Rendering question / Spring

In the meanwhile, I'v tried someting else, without success though:

Instead of woring with h:messages (which is buguous, cf earlier 
post), I worked with a regular label inside the form:
<h:outputLabel styleClass="error" value="" id="globalErrorMsg"/>
<h:message for="globalErrorMsg" styleClass="error" showSummary="true" />
and coded: (in the same interceptor)

FacesEvent event = new ValueChangeEvent(errComp, "oldValue", 
errComp.decode(getFacesContext());      // apply values to this comp

With this I had hoped ("ANY_PHASE" --> at least also the render 
respons phase) the outputLabel component would show "newValue"
But it didn't!
Someone to give me a hint?

Wolf  (hence the "grrrrr" ;-)


On 10 Aug 2006, at 20:24, Wolf Benz wrote:


I have this question:
I am intercepting a JSF Bean 's action method (to apply method-based 
security) with Spring.

In it I do this (test code, hance the hard coding of a few vars) in 
Spring's invoke() method of the interceptor:

getFacesContext().addMessage("usersForm:errors", new FacesMessage
("Security Error!"));   // add msg to comp with clint ID "errors" in 
form "usersForm"
Iterator it3 = getFacesContext().getMessages("usersForm:errors");
while(it3.hasNext()){ logger.info("This is a msg of errors: " +
UIMessages errComp = (UIMessages)rootview.findComponent
if(errComp == null)logger.info("errComp is null!");
// apply values to this comp
());            // force recursive (?) master refresh
return null; (to force JSF to stay on teh same page - this works 
fine. (if I call "return inv.proceed();" it just continues of course))
- "This is a msg of errors: " actually prints out the error msg 
again, in my Eclipse console, so the error msg WAS effectively added 
to the component.
- "errComp is null" is never printed.
- As the msg wasn't shown in the page, I added the 2nd paragraph, 
hoping to force an updated rendering this way.

--> What is strange: the actual error message, is NEVER shown.

& In the page ,I have:
  <t:messages id="errors" globalOnly="true" styleClass="error" />

Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong/how to force this component 
being rendered after all?

Thx guys,

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