Title: question about custom components with heavy JS use

If I understand your problem correctly, you cannot tell the state of the tree when refreshing the page?


This is easily solved by updating the component during the post (example, tracking which nodes are expanded or collapsed as name value pairs posted back to the component).




From: Guy Katz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 30 August 2006 2:56 AM
To: MyFaces Discussion; users@myfaces.apache.org
Subject: question about custom components with heavy JS use


hi all;
this is not related directly to myfaces but i hope to get an answer...

while learning jsf, I have created a tree like jsf custom component which relies on client side JS to open/close nodes.
assuming my problem is reduced knowing on the server side if the tree is 'expanded' or 'collapsed' , so that in the next http request the tree would be rendered accordingly (expanded or collapsed). Note that on the client side, i can tell (via JS events)when the tree expands or colapses.

what would be a good way (a best practice) to tackle this?
thanks in advance, any help is apreciated.

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