On 5/17/07, lightbulb432 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How do alternatives to JSF like Struts, Struts2, and others handle the
concept of view state?

For the most part, they don't have the concept of View State. If a
control uses data that is not in the post, and the page needs to be
presented again (because, say, validation failed), then an
action-based framework will go and fetch the control data again. (In
fact, Struts 2 has a special "prepare" method that is used to create
(or recreate) "View State".) If the data in question is semi-static (a
drop down list), and the query is cached, then it's a memory-to-memory
transfer, otherwise, we have to hit the database again. The trade-off
having JSF automatically process the encoded view state field (whether
you need it again or not).


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