I think the behavior of the component changes depending on whether
you're using server-side or client-side tabbing.

If you're using client-side tabbing, then I believe all tabs are
generated and all values are validated.  If you're using server-side
tabbing, then I think only the current tab is actually rendered to the

It's been awhile since I've used tabs, but I believe that's the situation.

Don't know what the process for switching to the first panel with an
error would be.

On 5/29/07, David Delbecq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

i have a form with the following structure:

 + inputText
 + panelTabbedPane
   + panelTab
     + input (required="true")
   + panelTab
     + input (required="true")
 + commandButton
 + messages

If i am in second tab and i click the submit button, the fields in first
tab are not validated (there is nothing in h:messages). However, if i go
back to first tab and click the submit button, then i get the validation
error message. Is there a way to have all fields of panelTabbedPane
validated (instead of only current panel) and have panelTabbedPane show
the first panel with an error?

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