A few and questions:
- Generally speaking, we don't extend CoreInputText, we just
 re-extend UIXInput.  The metadata system supports "includes"
 for generation, so you don't have to cut-and-paste that much.
 One good reason, in this case, is that I assume that this
 component doesn't support <TEXTAREA>, just <INPUT> -
 so you don't want "rows" or "wrap".
- I'd love to see this as a converter or validator tag that can be
 added to an ordinary af:inputText.  We'd need a bit of beefing
 up of our client-side code JS framework for validators, but
 that'd be worthwhile.
- What's the server-side model look like?  E.g., when you
  have (999)999-9999, does your bean see strings like
  (415)555-1212, or do you get 4155551212?  Is there server-side
  validation to double-check the mask was applied?
- If this is a component, I think CoreInputTextMasked might
 be clearer, if the property is named "mask".

-- Adam

On 6/6/07, William Hoover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks for the info Adam!

The component (CoreInputTextFormat) logic is fairly simple and could be directly integrated into the CoreInputText, if desired. 
It extends CoreInputText and adds two extra PropertyKeys: "mask" and "clearWhenInvalid". The "mask" 
attribute designates the pattern for which will be used to prevent invalid characters at the specified slots. For Example, 
(999)999-9999 would be displayed as (___)___-____ allowing only numeric values to be entered where underscores are present (see 
examples below for a more detailed overview). The "clearWhenInvalid" is an option to clear the contents (onblur) of the 
input field when it does not meet the mask pattern requirements- default is currently true. The only other logic contained in the 
component is used to make the JS calls: onblur, onfocus, and onkeydown. The client script is contained in a namespace called 
"CoreInputTextFormat" so none of the functions will interfere with other Trinidad scripts (as you suggested in 
TRINIDAD-37 it would be nice if we had a Trinidad namespace that could register component level namespaces!). It does however add 
a prototype extension to RegExp to allow RegExp.escape(someText) preventing recompilation of the escape expression. That is it! I 
don't think there is a significant amount of code to warrant a CLA (client script under 200 lines, component logic is trivial). 
Let me know what your thoughts on all of this!

Mask Individual Character Usage and Reserved Characters:
9 - designates only numeric values
L - designates only uppercase letter values
l - designates only lowercase letter values
A - designates only alphanumeric values
X - denotes that a custom client script regular expression is specified
All other characters are assumed to be "special" characters used to mask the 
input component

        only numeric values can be entered where the character position value 
is 9. Parenthesis and dash are non-editable/mask characters.
        only numeric values for the first two characters, uppercase values for the third character, lowercase 
letters for the fifth/sixth characters, and the last character X[^A-C]X together counts as the eighth 
character regular expression that would allow all characters but "A", "B", and 
"C". Dashes outside the regular expression are non-editable/mask characters.

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Winer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2007 7:09 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: [Trinidad] Input Text Format That Uses A Mask

Roughly speaking, you:
- Create an issue on JIRA
- Attach a patch
- If it's a significant quantity of code, file a CLA

It's also generally a good thing to talk over the
design first.  I'd thing it'd be great if this were part of
the client-side validation code, instead of just its
own code.  I think getting this issue fixed:
... would be important for that.

I'd love to see this functionality!

-- Adam

On 6/5/07, William Hoover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have created a Trinidad component that allows input text boxes to have a
> user defined mask for entries on the client (similar to Atlas MaskEdit
> <http://www.fci.com.br/maskedit/MaskEdit/MaskEdit.aspx>). I
> would like to know what the process/procedure is to commit this component to
> the sandbox?

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