If I were going to disable and reset a large number of
components, I'd probably do so by walking the entire
UIComponent tree from the UIViewRoot, performing "instanceof
UIXEditableValue" and calling setDisabled(true) and resetValue() on
each instance.  If you needed to restrict it to a subtree, you
could use one "binding" and walk down from that parent;
if you needed something more tailored, I'd consider adding
f:attribute to tag the ones that need to be reset.

The code you've written scares me a bit - I've
no idea why the StateManager call should affect
anything, unless perhaps if you're using server-side
state saving?

-- Adam

On 6/6/07, Perkins, Nate-P63196 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I have a page with a table of selectable objects.

When an object is selected its inputs appear below the table (a binding
on 'rendered' of a panelHeader)

The inputs have a save and a cancel button, cancel is partialSubmit=true
and immediate=true with all inputs having partialTriggers on both

When I press Cancel, the inputs are supposed to disable and go into
read-only mode. This took me a long time to get working properly, the
issue being that the components would disable but the old values would
still be there. (I wanted the values to reset)
(I realize that this can be done by binding the input components and
resetting, but I wanted/needed to find a general solution not a
component-by-component solution)
I found the following code which worked when put into my cancel action
(I had seen code like this recommended before but without the last
statement, this code does nothing useful unless the save to the
StateManager is done)

FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
UIViewRoot viewRoot =

Recently I was given a new requirement to have a popup confimation
dialog on the cancel button. I launch an ADF dialog from the cancel
button's action method and moved the code that used to be in the action
method into the returnListener. The problem is that now the above code
no longer works. It seems to return to the main page in an inconsistent
state. (I click once, nothing happens, I click again and it reloads the
cancel dialog, I can't get out of the Edit mode.)

I was able to return to a partially-working state by removing the above
code from the returnListener and replacing it with a partialTarget call
on the surrounding form, but again this only disables the components it
does not reset them.

I am using Oracle ADF not Trinidad, but I am very interested in
switching and am asking the MyFaces team if (a) they know of why the
above code works in an action method but not in a returnListener, (b) if
this is a bug in the Oracle ADF dialog framework that has been fixed in
Trinidad (a compelling reason, among many, to switch), (c) is there
another way to disable and reset the components without having to do it
on a component-by-component basis?

Nate Perkins

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