RobertBln schrieb:

I'm new to JSF and have managed it to get a very simple Application running
with jsf-1.2 ri on Tomcat 6.0.13.

When I try to replace jsf ri with myfaces 1.2, the Result is a


javax.servlet.ServletException: Unable to convert string "OK" to class
"javax.el.ValueExpression" for attribute "value": Property Editor not
registered with the PropertyEditorManager

root cause

Ok I spent now about two hours to track the error down since I finally could get a reproducable configuration, I have good and bad news.
The bad news is, this is a bug triggered by 1.2.0

the good news is, it seems to be resolved by the latest builds.
There also is another issue with the packaging missing a jar.
(Already filed in jira for the next version)

anyway guys in the meanwhile give this package a try, it contains
the latest versions of the core, and the missing jar:

This one was the configuration which resolved this issue for me and
also fixes the other one, missing the standard.jar

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