On Thu, 2007-08-09 at 13:23 -0600, daniel ccss wrote:
> I use a an html code to call a javascript that shows a calendar:
>                             <a href="#"
> onclick="showCalendar('fecha');" >
>                                 <img class="PopcalTrigger"
> align="absmiddle" src="../../images/calbtn.gif" width="16" height="16"
> border="0" alt=""> 
>                             </a>
> The problem is that when I put it beetween the <f:view it doesn´t show
> up, I also try to put it between <f:verbatim> but it doesn´t works.
> What I can do? Obviously I need to have the code between <f:view, for
> others tomahawk controls to work 

What do you mean by "it doesn't show up"?

Have you done "view source" on the html page returned from the server
and searched for this text? It will certainly be there somewhere.
However if you are using JSP with JSF 1.1 then you need to use
f:verbatim in order to have it appear in the expected location. Later
versions of JSF or Facelets don't need f:verbatim.



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