I tested it. you are right.
  Now I am wondering if the following is possible?
  <t:dataTable newspaerColumns=1 value="...">
  There is only one clumn for the dataTable. So For 5 rows,  the result will 
look like:
  But I need it to be:
  B  C
  D  E
  The first row spans 2 columns.  Is it possible somehow?   For 
newpaperColumn=2, It would be:
  A B
  C D

Mike Kienenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I could be wrong, but I don't think there's anything special about how
newspaper columns are rendered.

If you have 4 columns in your table, and you set newspaperColumns=3,
then you end up with a table with 12 columns.

A, B, C, D, A, B, C, D, A, B, C, D

There's no style attribute because internally, there's no difference
to a table that looks like this

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L

I suspect you simply need to apply a columnClasses as if it were a
table with 3xN number of columns. For my example above, I'd suggest
maybe this:


Note that I'm not much of an expert on style classes in general. I
just happen to remember that the newspaperColumn code doesn't do
anything but increase the number of columns in the table without doing
anything to make actual "meta-columns" that group those columns.
Hopefully this is helpful, but it's all based on what I read in the
code rather than what I've done in practice.

On 8/16/07, Dave wrote:
> columnClasses is for columns within a newspaperColumn. After rendering a
> dataTable, then organize them in newspaper way using a new table. But there
> is not a way to specify styleclasses for the new table.
> newspaperColumn1, newspaperColumn2, ....
> Mike Kienenberger wrote:
> Have you tried the regular columnClasses attribute?
> On 8/14/07, Dave wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > How to specify the 3 newspaper column style classes, for example their
> > width(s)? I did not see an attribute like
> >
> >
> newspaperColumnClasses="StyleClass1,StyleClass2,StyleClass3"
> > newspaperColumnClasses="#{bean.newspaperColumnClasses}"
> >
> > Any workaround? Thanks,
> >
> > Dave
> >
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