Before filing a bug, I was wondering what the intended result of this was:

<tr:panelPopup text="test" styleClass="testclass">

from what I can see of 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT the "testclass" style class is
ignored. Is it supposed to render on the trigger, the popup content,
the popup outer element or the element that contains the content for
the entire control?

Here is the HTML from the above example:

<span id_popuptrigger="_id45">
<a href="#" class="OraLink"
onclick="TrPanelPopup.showPopup('_id45_popupContainer', '_id45',
event, 'click','null',false,0,0,0,0); return false;" name="_id45"
<div style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; visibility:
hidden;" id="_id45_popupContainer">
<div class="af_panelPopup_container">
<div class="af_panelPopup_content">

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