Are the CSS links in the HEAD section of the document?
During non-redirect navigation, ICEfaces 1.6 replaces
only the body of the document.  (ICEfaces 1.7 performs
a full page refresh if the HEAD changes; there is
no way to reliably update the HEAD from JavaScript
in current browsers.)

You may also be encountering a bug in the <from-view-id>
representation (before and after the filename has been
transformed by the servlet mapping).  If you are using
the .iface extension, please try adding either additional
navigation rules with .iface, or eliminating the
<from-view-id> condition.


On 27-Feb-08, at 9:42 AM, dancantong wrote:

I'm new to JSF and I'm experiencing problems with page navigation.
I'm developing a web application with MyFaces and ICEFaces.

I have a page with an ICEFaces table. On the table there is an output link that point to an action that returns a navigation view name. When I click on it, it goes to that page as expected. In that page there is a button to return to the previous page. I've pointed it to an action that returns a
navigation name to the previous page.
The first problem I have is that when I click the button, it goes to the previous page but it doesn't load properly some <link href> CSS stylesheets
I have in that page. I've set that links to relative addresses like

<link href="../styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link> and are loaded perfectly the first time I go directly to it, but fails when I click on the button on the other page. If I click refresh on the browser the page
is loaded correctly.
Second is that when I click on the link button and go to the page, if I click on the table to repeat the process, now the view it's not redirected
like before. It stays on the same page.

Here is an extract of my faces-config.xml

show_clients.jsp is the first page with the table. When I click on the table
it goes to update_client.jsp.
Then on update_client if I click on return it goes to show_client.jsp.

I'm getting mad with this.
Could anyone help me?

Thanks a lot.

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