May be you can try considering below:

 <tr:panelLabelAndMessage label="Date Range">
     <tr:inputDate simple="true" shortDesc="Start date"/>
     <tr:inputDate simple="true" shortDesc="End date"/>

Or else you can try to fiddle with the alignment using CSS ( I don't recommend ;-) ). Example:

 <tr:panelFormLayout fieldWidth="60%" labelWidth="40%">
     <tr:panelLabelAndMessage label="Label 1:">
         <tr:outputText value="Val1"/>
     <tr:panelLabelAndMessage label="Label 2:">
          <tr:outputText value="Val2"/>
<tr:panelHorizontalLayout i*nlineStyle="position: relative; left: -5.7%"*>
           <tr:inputDate label="From:"/>
           <tr:inputDate label="To:"/>


On 3/2/2010 6:21 AM, Dj Apal [GR] wrote:
Hello all.
I want to add two tr:inputDate fields (from, to) to a panelFormLayout tag
but i don't want to place them one below the other.
I used a panelhorizontal layout to do this, but it breaks the alignment with
the labels of other input texts that I have.
Is there a way to align them one at the right of the other? Thnx!

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