The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of MyFaces Core 

MyFaces Core is a JavaServer(tm) Faces 2.1 implementation as specified by 
JSR-314. MyFaces Core has passed Sun's JSR-314 TCK and is 100% compliant with 
the JSR-314 specification.

MyFaces Core 2.1.0 is available in both binary and source distributions.


MyFaces Core is also available in the central Maven repository under Group ID 

Release Notes - MyFaces Core - Version 2.1.0


    * [MYFACES-3120] - Use ExternalContext.encodeResourceUrl for stylesheet and 
script links
    * [MYFACES-3121] - Add media attribute to h:outputStylesheet
    * [MYFACES-3134] - Move all code related to state caching into one place
    * [MYFACES-3137] - Align ResponseStateManager implementation with the spec
    * [MYFACES-3138] - Simplify ResponseStateManager implementation code


    * [MYFACES-2628] - Facelets ResourceSolver cant work
    * [MYFACES-2881] - Server state saving with two forms, ajax and normal 
request is broken
    * [MYFACES-2924] - Component bindings are not reset when explicit 
navigation to the same page is derived from action
    * [MYFACES-3103] - Composite component using new .view.xml mapping does not 
    * [MYFACES-3117] - Current server state saving implementation prevents 
multi-window usage
    * [MYFACES-3124] - Use both SKIP_ITERATION hints in RESTORE_VIEW
    * [MYFACES-3125] - ValidatorTagHandlerDelegate does not invoke next handler 
in partial processing mode, which damages the component structure
    * [MYFACES-3128] - Problems with a custom Resource Resolver
    * [MYFACES-3132] - javax.faces.context.ResponseWriterWrapper implementation 
is overdone
    * [MYFACES-3140] - FacesMessage.VALUES is not ordered properly
    * [MYFACES-3141] - FacesMessage implements Serializable but cannot be 
    * [MYFACES-3142] - h:outputScript and h:outputStylesheet renderer listeners 
cannot implement PartialStateHolder
    * [MYFACES-3152] - javax.faces.application.StateManager default 
implementation for writeState and saveSerializedView needs to be implemented
    * [MYFACES-3154] - UIDebug doesn't check for existing url parameters


    * [MYFACES-1753] - Do not require to buffer the output with 
    * [MYFACES-1791] - state management and multiple frames
    * [MYFACES-2837] - jsf.js 2.0 reva new functions
    * [MYFACES-3111] - [PERF] Review UIData.saveDescendantComponentStates and 
    * [MYFACES-3123] - jsf.js: Merge in the latest javascript fixes and changes 
from the 2.0 core into the 2.1 core
    * [MYFACES-3129] - [PERF] Call first getChildCount() or getFacetCount() 
before try to create the iterator
    * [MYFACES-3136] - [perf] review UIComponentBase.getRendererType
    * [MYFACES-3148] - Log "PanelGrid ... has not enough children" with 
Level.FINE in Production
    * [MYFACES-3151] - [perf] minimize ExternalContext.getInitParameter 
invocations in myfaces API

New Feature

    * [MYFACES-3075] - Allow ELResolvers filtering


    * [MYFACES-2616] - Fix UIData state saving model (spec issue 153)
    * [MYFACES-3025] - 2.1: implement VisitHint.SKIP_ITERATION support in UIData
    * [MYFACES-3083] - Implement StateManager.IS_SAVING_STATE
    * [MYFACES-3084] - Add FacesContext.isReleased() method
    * [MYFACES-3085] - Modify ResourceHandler.RESOURCE_EXCLUDES_DEFAULT_VALUE 
to include .groovy as an excluded default extension
    * [MYFACES-3086] - Add h:doctype component
    * [MYFACES-3087] - Add h:head and h:body xmlns property
    * [MYFACES-3088] - Implement ExternalContext.isSecure() and 
getSessionMaxInactiveInterval() method
    * [MYFACES-3089] - Implement FaceletCacheFactory and FaceletCache methods
    * [MYFACES-3090] - Implement VisitHint.SKIP_ITERATION hint in UIRepeat
    * [MYFACES-3092] - Implement 
    * [MYFACES-3093] - Check FacesServlet description for support servlet 3.0 
    * [MYFACES-3094] - Check javax.faces.resource.Script and 
javax.faces.resource.Stylesheet modifications
    * [MYFACES-3095] - Check h:button and h:link modifications.
    * [MYFACES-3097] - Add cc:attribute targetAttributeName
    * [MYFACES-3098] - Add support for view.xml handling and 
facelets-processing element
    * [MYFACES-3110] - Allow use the same library for a composite component for 
resources defined inside it (resolve #{resource['this:...']} )
    * [MYFACES-3122] - Create xsd schemas for .view.xml pages


Leonardo Uribe

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