I use basic jsf, I avoid anything too fancy as it'll most likely break on
some browser.

If I want something with a funky layout I write my own custom component.

There's tons of JSF haters out there and it's not perfect, but... find me
something better (both technically and standards/supported wise). Right now
the best alternative I know of is plain jsp. I'd rather use plain jsp than
most other frameworks out there.

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Joachim Schrod <jsch...@acm.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Looking at the past few months, it's quite clear that the Trinidad
> project is dead for all practical purposes. Almost all emails on
> this mailing list concerning it are not answered. New releases are
> tagged in SVN, but nobody finds the time to actually do them. I.e.,
> there is neither an active user community nor an active developer
> community behind it. If one wants to use Trinidad, effectively, one
> has to become a major developer in that project.
> Well, shit happens; I'm active in open source development since 30
> years, and know how this happens. Luckily, it's better than its
> proprietary counterparts that close down the shop completely, when
> development interest fades.
> So, to the readers of this mailing list, how do you use JSF nowadays?
>  -- Do you cope with the basic JSF components, that are made
>    available by MyFaces? Without trees, scrollable data tables,
>    and such?
>  -- Do you use another component library (RichFaces, ICEFaces --
>    what else is available)?
>  -- Have you skipped ship and moved to Wicket or other component
>    libraries / frameworks?
> I would be very much interested to hear how you do modern Web app
> development nowadays, with a full-fledged component library, not on
> the very basic HTML/JSF-level. Is JSF still the way to go?
> Thanks a lot for your input and your patience in discussing that issue.
>        Joachim
> --
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Joachim Schrod, Roedermark, Germany
> Email: jsch...@acm.org


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