Hi Martin,

On Aug 25, 2008, at 4:33 AM, Martin Vysny wrote:

Hi David,
 impressive work indeed, thank you very much! I am especially grateful
for the Singleton and Startup functionality which I missed.

Thanks! It's definitely great to have a standard way to do this in the EJB world.

I have one
question: in your example (the ComponentRegistryBean example) a simple
HashMap is used which is thread unsafe. Does that mean that only a
single thread (the one which created the bean) will access the bean?
Nope, that's not it - multiple threads can access methods with
Lock.READ. What does the specification say about the thread
safety/multithreading issues? Must the bean be thread-safe or container
will mark all methods as synchronized? Can the user code rely on some
locking mechanisms (or invariants) performed by the container (for
example, will Lock.WRITE always perform lock on the bean class?)
Sorry if it is a dumb question and I'm missing something obvious :)

Good feedback.  Thank you for sending it!

Clearly my explanation is not doing what it should :) I do see a bug too now that I look closer, too. The getComponents() method should return a copy of components.values() or someone could get a ConcurrentModificationException.

I've changed/expanded on the text in the example. Pasted it here below as well. Let me know if it's any better. We'll keep trying till we get something that's easy to understand and doesn't leave the reader with a bunch of questions.

  Unless specified explicitly on the bean class or a method, the
  default @Lock value is @Lock(WRITE). The code above uses the
  @Lock(READ) annotation on bean class to change the default so
  that multi-threaded access is granted by default. We then only
  need to apply the @Lock(WRITE) annotation to the methods that
  modify the state of the bean.

  Essentially @Lock(READ) allows multithreaded access to the
  Singleton bean instance unless someone is invoking an
  @Lock(WRITE) method. With @Lock(WRITE), the thread invoking the
  bean will be guaranteed to have exclusive access to the Singleton
  bean instance for the duration of its invocation. This
  combination allows the bean instance to use data types that are
  not normally thread safe. Great care must still be used, though.

  In the example we see ComponentRegistryBean using a
  java.util.HashMap which is not synchronized. To make this ok we
  do three things:

   1. Encapsulation. We don't expose the HashMap instance directly;
      including its iterators, key set, value set or entry set.

   2. We use @Lock(WRITE) on the methods that mutate the map such
      as the put() and remove() methods.

   3. We use @Lock(READ) on the get() and values() methods as they
      do not change the map state and are guaranteed not to be
      called at the same as any of the @Lock(WRITE) methods, so we
      know the state of the HashMap is no being mutated and
      therefore safe for reading.

  The end result is that the threading model for this bean will
  switch from multi-threaded access to single-threaded access
  dynamically as needed depending on the which methods are being
  invoked. This gives Singletons a bit of an advantage over
  Servlets for processing multi-threaded requests.


Feel free to kick it back with changes/tweaks or other questions. Sometimes a word added here or there can make things more clear. These docs are likely going to be a primary source of singleton information for a while so we definitely want them to be as informative as possible.


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