OK - I didn't know that.

I agree that it would be nice if the OpenJPA guys would support this
behaviour. My experience of standards (like JPA) is that the standard itself
is rarely enough for production purposes. Things outside of the standard
need to be in place as well. Then, after a while, the standard will
sometimes adapt to reality and incorporate what has become the de facto

In this case, it is clear that the behaviour of the life-cycle callback
methods is not defined enough in the standard. The implementations should
therefore create a de facto standard. Let's hope they do...


2011/7/12 Jim Talbut <jtal...@spudsoft.co.uk>

> On 12/07/2011 09:33, Bengt Rodehav wrote:
>> Why do you think that your approach is not supported by JPA? From other
>> posts on this list I've seen that you are allowed to add/enrich your
>> entity
>> in the PreUpdate/PreCreate callbacks. That's all you are doing right. Then
>> JPA persists your enriched entities.
> I asked on this list a few months ago:
> http://web.archiveorange.com/**archive/v/tXrrxw9bXkttUykS7B6K<http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/tXrrxw9bXkttUykS7B6K>
> You can change the state of entities, but creating new entities is not
> permitted by the JPA spec.
> At the moment it does work, and I now what I'm going to do if it stops
> working, so I'm happy.
> I'd be happier if OpenJPA explicitly supported it, but it doesn't keep me
> awake at night.
> Jim

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