On Wed, 30 Oct 2013 10:47:49 -0000, Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> wrote:

> Please look at the following document, which has been generated by a
> converter provided by org[1]
> It contains tables which whose text cannot be selected via select all.
> If there is something wrong with the odt, please tell me and I will
> report it on the org mailing list.

notwithstanding dave's comment, the odt seems either defective or incompatible 
with aoo (which may be aoo's fault as well). more specifically, the tables are 
quite lonely within their sections. they have no text before them, nor after. 
such a document can't be created by usual means of aoo, and thus it isn't 
handled as expected. e.g., you can't type anything after the second table or 
after the first one within its section, because there're no empty paragraphs 
after the tables to take your input. you can't even peform select-all operation 
manually (with a mouse rather than through ctrl+a). it seems that the select 
operation uses contents of the <text:p> elements to set boundaries of the 
selection. so, if there's no such element, then select-all doesn't work 

to fix this, i inserted the following two paragraphs into content.xml of your 

<text:p text:style-name="OrgTableContentsLeft">some text after the first 
<text:p text:style-name="OrgTableContentsLeft">some text after the second 

they follow the closing tags (</table:table>) of tables. there appeared to be 
no way to do it through gui.

after that select-all worked almost smoothly: it selected the cell on the first 
press, the table on the second one and everything on the third one. what was 
wrong is that it always started with the cell, even when the caret was outside 

however, inserting a paragraph before each table fixed this. it didn't require 
editing content.xml. the final version of the file is attached, and i hope it 
won't be attenuated by antispam.

i can't say on which program's account this bug is. consulting odf 
specification may help answer this question.

Attachment: testorg.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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