You can do it with Impress.

Select in the sheet an object and in your sidebar select Custom Animation.
Select Add and select one of the many options of the animations.
Now you're able add a Dim function when the next object will be displayed.

On 4-5-2014 9:01, Louie wrote:

Greetings on this sunny day: I have an Open Office program 4.1.0 and I was wondering if it was capable of lighting up a specific item in a drawing that I am working on for a project that I have. Example: "Making a line or circle a certain color and have it emblazoned so the color shines brighter than other objects that are being drawn at specific time intervals." Could you tell me of where to look for and give me specific instructions if that is possible? Thanks for your help. Sincerely, Louie DePuydt

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