At 18:29 18/02/2015 +0100, Uwe Brauer wrote:
I run for example clean(C2) and it returns Err:522. C is the column with the problems

That means that your formula is circular. I'm guessing that you have tried putting =CLEAN(C2) into C2 itself. Apart from the fact that this deletes that value to are trying to recover, it suggests that you want the value in C2 to be a CLEANed version of the value in C2 - which is a CLEANed version of what is in C2! The formula refers back to itself repeatedly, and the calculation can never end.

If you were to use a formula to achieve what you need, you would have to put it into a spare column. You could choose to copy the results back into the original cells, but you would need to use Paste Special instead of ordinary paste and to deselect Formulae in the Paste Special dialogue so as to freeze the results.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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