On 06/26/2015 12:08 AM, Jim McLaughlin wrote:
"It's only money."

You couldn't  be more wrong.

With OO 4.1.1 there is no money involved.

What is involved is how I choose to employ my time.

And with me, and apparently a  lot of other people, learning the "styles"
silliness is not worthwhile.
Please do not make statements that you can not backup with proof. It is highly unlikely that you know the ratio of people who do not use styles to those that do. Also, mentioning "silliness" has nothing to do with the topic except in your head. In reality, what one person calls "silliness" would not be what another person would call it. It seems to me that you made a very good point: how people choose to employ their time. Regardless of what word processor a person chooses to use, it takes time to learn how to use it so that the final document is what he wants. This is an excellent use of his time and effort. Not to do this would be silliness. Yes, using AOO without learning how to use styles is silliness. So is using MS Word without learning how to use its "ribbons". So is using Word Perfect without learning to use its strong points. Yet, the opposite is also true: using AOO with styles in not silliness; using MS Word with "ribbons" is not silliness; and using Word Perfect with its strong points is not silliness. So, please do not "put down" anyone who is doing well with what they have learned just because it is different from what you would do.

On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 8:54 PM, Dale Erwin <dale.er...@casaerwin.org>

On 6/25/2015 11:02 AM, Doug wrote:

On 06/25/2015 02:10 AM, Dale Erwin wrote:

On 6/23/2015 10:53 PM, Anthony J. Rudgers wrote:


I think if you would take the time to learn how to use styles you would
find that Writer can be just as versatile as Word, if not moreso.  I
struggled against it for a long time before I finally broke down and made
the time to learn how to use them.

Dale Erwin

Learning to use styles is too high a price to pay for a "free" word
processor. I'd rather pay money and get something user-friendly.


Well, no software will give you service if you aren't willing to take the
time to learn how to use it.  It's only money.

Dale Erwin

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