*-First, store the original file using a new name (so it can be recovered
if needed).
*_If the formatting is unimportant (or easily restored), select (CTRL-A)
the entire document (or a page or paragraph if that's all that needs
fixing), then copy it to the CLIPBOARD & delete it (CTRL-X), then open
NOTEPAD and paste the data (CTRL-V).
*-Now select the NOTEPAD (CTRL-A), copy the data to the CLIPBOARD (CTRL-C),
move cursor to original now-empty document and paste the data into it
(using (CTRL-V).
*-Now apply formatting and you're done.


On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 9:15 AM, DaveMainwaring <davemainwar...@gmail.com>

> I have  adocument filled with frames. How do I get rid of the frames and
> copy the text inside the frames?

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