2017-06-22 21:22 GMT+02:00 QCIT3 MMisonora <mmiqc...@outlook.com>:

> Hello there,
> Recently the company I am working for has downloaded your program,
> OpenOffice and have tried to open some files we have previously made files
> on Windows Excel with your program. However, it took about twenty minutes
> to load, so I was wondering why is it loading so slow and how can we make
> it load faster. The computers we are using are Windows 7 computers that run
> on a Core 2 Duo with 2 GB of RAM and a 32-bit Operating System.
> Please help,
> Emma
Have you tried to open it with LibreOffice? I think they worked a little
more with these kinds of issues. Maybe it will open faster, or maybe not. I
don't know since I only work with ODF, but it wouldn't hurt to try, I guess.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

> Sent from Outlook<http://aka.ms/weboutlook>

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