On 12/12/17 2:34 AM, Sean Connors wrote:
Hi Martin

It's kind of you to answer. Unfortunately, I've been around this circle before. The software that converts files for ebooks doesn't recognise blank spaces (carriage returns or tabs or extra use of the space bar). If you try to position text this way it completely corrupts the file. There must be a simple way to change the unit of measurement from cms to lines as every ebook requires it. I am totally lost with this. (Even found it hard to find a contact to send my query to OO community).

Well in fact you reached the OO community by sending your original question to users@openoffice.apache.org
The issue is that your problem is related to eBooks and not to OpenOffice.
Notjohn's Guide to E-Book Formatting: Ten Steps To Getting Your Book Ready To Sell Online Kindle will give you some tips.     "Most beginners write their books in Word or Open Office," he explains, "and they expect the same document to convert easily     to an e-book and a paperback. Sometimes that happens, but more often it doesn't, because word processors litter the book file
    with hidden formatting. The result can be a disaster."

    Instead, the book should be converted to clean HTML, the markup language used to create a web page. (All e-books are web     pages at heart, and the Kindle and other e-book readers are just special-purpose web browsers.) The conversion takes seconds     and costs nothing. It can then be plugged into a simple template that "Notjohn" includes in this Guide and makes available on his
    blog for anyone to use.

Can you advise me where else I might direct my query or do you know others who provide assistance?
Thank you for taking the time with this.

On Monday, December 11, 2017, Martin Groenescheij <mar...@groenescheij.com <mailto:mar...@groenescheij.com>> wrote:
> Hi Seán,
> The fact that I understand a bit of OpenOffice doesn't mean that I'm knowledgeable in the printing business, but this is what I found using Google:
> Line spacing is measured from baseline to baseline. In print, it is traditionally measured in points (or as normal, double and triple in some word processing programs). But for the web and digital devices, it is commonly referred to as line height, and can be expressed in pixels, points or centi-meters (px, pt  or cm), or as a percentage of the type size (120% or 1.2). Other accepted terminology includes normal, small and big.
> If you want 10 cm above your heading you could give a few blank lines above the heading. > Depending on your font size it could be anything between 8 till 14 blank lines. > Oh by the way using Single Line Spacing could look great with one font, but it could look cramped with other fonts.
> You can download the Kindle Previewer see how your document look and modify your document where necessary.
> Have fun,
> Martin
> On 11/12/17 8:48 PM, Sean Connors wrote:
> Dear Martin
> Thank you for your reply. I have opened styles and formatting and set cms to zero. However the only options I see for line spacing are single, 1.5,double,proportional, at least, leading or fixed. > My heading was 10cms dowm the A4 page. Can you tell me how to position my heading in roughly the same position using lines instead of cms. > Apologies for my lack of ability. I am an analogue mind trying to cope in a digital age.
> Thanks Seán.
> On Monday, December 11, 2017, Martin Groenescheij <mar...@groenescheij.com <mailto:mar...@groenescheij.com>> wrote:
>> On 11/12/17 8:33 AM, Sean Connors wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I am about to submit a manuscript for file conversion for upload to Amazon
>>> kindle etc. for the first time.
>>> I notice that the spacing above and below my headings is in cms and I've >>> been told that  it should be in lines -- otherwise it might not convert to
>>> fit the many different sized screens correctly.
>> Go to Format -> Styles and Formatting, on the Indent & Spacing tab make sure you have set Spacing Above and Below paragraph >> are set to 0.00 and set the Line Spacing to your desired value. Make sure you do this for all used Styles.
>>> Can you tell me if this is correct and if it is, can I convert the spacing
>>> from cms to lines?
>>> Many thanks
>>> Seán

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