At 08:34 23/09/2018 -0400, Samuel Dubois wrote:
How can I add the same last name but different first name to my database

Er, simply by adding a record with the same value for the last name field but a different value for the first name field!

It might help if you identified what exact problem you are seeing with this. One possibility is that you are using the last name field as the primary key in your table. Each primary key value needs to be different, so that they can identify each record uniquely. If you need two records with the same last name - why not? - you cannot use that field as your primary key. If you don't have a field which will be naturally different, the sensible thing to do is to create an additional field which serves no purpose apart from being the primary key. If you set it to "auto value", unique values will be added automatically, without your having to do anything.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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  • Database Samuel Dubois
    • Re: Database Brian Barker

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