The special Star Office Format has been removed. sxw document filter does still exist in 4.1.7

Am 05.04.20 um 03:29 schrieb Dan Lewis:
Tony is not subscribed to this mailing list, so I have sent him a Cc so he can see what Julian wrote.

Is it possible that  these documents are .sxw files? Or was the :w" replaced with another letter? If so, the format for these documents predate the open document format such as .odt, .odc, odb, etc. I do not know if the latest versions of Open Office will read the .sxw or similar files. Perhaps someone else knows.

This mailing list strips all attachments, so no one saw your example. Also, when you answer my questions, make sure that you sent it to and NOT to me personally.


On 4/4/20 16:04, Julian Thomas wrote:

On Apr 4, 2020, at 11:56, Tony Seidel <> wrote:

I have several documents created 10 years ago etc. with Open Office. Now i’m using Open Office 4.1.7 and can’t open these documents (example below). Any suggestions?
there was no 'below' and you don’t tell us what OS you are using, but it is likely that you have lost your file associations.  Try opening OO and then selecting one of the documents to open.  The best result is that it will open; if it cusses at you and claims that it is an unknown format, someone else here may be able to help better than I.  I can’t find anything that old on this computer to test.


Julian Thomas   -

‌When small men begin to cast big shadows, it means that the sun is about to set. - Lin Yutang‌  ‌


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