Manfred J. Krause wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 06:02, Girard Aquino wrote:
>> just a quick one... is there a way to set writer to always insert dates
>> (or other fields for that matter) in a specific format. Using
>> Insert>Fields>Date always chooses 11/13/08 as the format, and one would
>> have to change it if they don't want that formatting. Can this be done
>> other than through Insert>Fields>Other?
> My ultimate solution has been to install an extension  ->
> DateTime2
> by re-Solutions Software Test
> So I can insert (e.g. with a shortcut key)
> 2008-11-14 11:31
> instead of
> 11/14/08 11:31:59 AM
> Manfred
took some time for me to realize that tb wasn't downloading my hotmail 
due to the new hotmail website. (now i have 18xx messages to download 
from the mailing lists).

thanks for the replies and i will check them out and post back.

i would like to be able to set OOo to insert dates as November 21, 2008 
by default on my documents though...


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