On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 13:58:03 -0500, Fernando Jesús Rojas de la Torre

> Mark Miller escribió:
>> On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 12:18 PM, Rod Geil <rcg...@mail.com> wrote:
>>> Open Office... I am trying to find a good web publishing software, and
>>> so far I am not coming up with very good options. I noticed that your
>>> word software has an html editor, but I have tried to upload a
>>> Microsoft Word html file to my website, but the images are not
>>> showing.  And I have tried some of the "canned" software like Joomla,
>>> but their editor option are very limited to just what they offer. So,
>>> if Open Office has software, or a referral, that can publish web pages
>>> that would be awesome! Thanks, Rod GeilMoorcroft, Wyoming
>> Which editor are you using in Joomla!.  Tiny MCE doesn't offer much,
>> but there are other editors.  I use JCE 154 and it has all the features
>> of a regular WP program.  I don't know that OOo would really be suited
>> for developing a full-blown web page.  There are other F/OSS choices
>> (Like Kompozer) that are probably better suited.
>> mcm
> nvu?

As I understand it, "nvu" is no longer supported; Kompozer is the 


Mark C. Miller

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