Cor Nouws wrote:
Hi Michael,

Michael Biribauer wrote (16-9-2009 11:04)
Ok i installed OOO 310m19 (Build:9420) (English only)

Now the dictionary is so basic it practically doesn't contain any words that one writes, especially plurals and -ing suffix words.

Not ideal, indeed.

Is there a dictionary one can import into open office which is more
comprehensive than the dictionary included in this build?

Maybe on the extension site of the project?
Try here
I know in The Netherlands & Flanders there is a project where people
make an open source /free word list, that is used both in Mozilla and

On the other hand, I believe work is "in progress" (probably slow ...)
to make the spellchecker software smarter, so that, depending on the
language, much constructs are recognized.

Finally, of direct use: when you perform spell checking you can add wrds
to the Standard word list, so that they are recognized the next time. So
the trouble will get less and less..

Kindest regards,

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Harold Fuchs
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