frances politeo wrote:
Hi, I have downloaded and started to write documents with openoffice, however I'm having alot of trouble figuring out how to create and then print mailing labels (e.g. avery labels). It seems that I've got it partly figured out but when I begin to create the document (does it look like a grid?), I can't figure out what to do next.
I am not a programmer but a clinical social worker who can't afford  to 
purchase microsoft office suite now, after loss of a job.  Is there someone I 
can call or are there very specific step-by-step instructions I can use?  The 
instructions available via the openoffice help pages aren't sufficient for me 
to succeed.

Thanks for any help.

Franny Politeo
cell: 408.891.8110
Chapter 11 of the Writer Guide at might help. As might

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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