In a message dated 2010.05.24 05:31 -0500, Dotan Cohen wrote:

In the file below, the right-most textbox contains an outline. I would
prefer to have free text instead of an outline, but I cannot figure
out how to remove the outline! Here is the file

Interesting! - OO.3.2 on Win XP Pro won't even let me change it from "Outline 1" to any other "Outline x" style. [I have never played with Impress, so may be doing something silly, but it is unexpected behavior.]

Actually, the first bullet point seems to be a separate outline from
the other two, therefore I can enter free text in the position after
the first bullet point. ...

I don't see that: as I cursor through the text in the box, the style never leaves "Outline 1". What style(s) do you see? What prompts you to see a different outline for the first bullet?


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