In a message dated 2010.07.21 18:51 -0500, John Kaufmann wrote:
In a message dated 2010.07.21 18:35 -0500, Larry Gusaas wrote:

 On 2010/07/21 4:20 PM  Bruce Martin wrote:
In addition to my email traffic here, I follow up with many others whose
availability is apt to be uncertain or unstable.

By using reply requests, I can follow and track their availability and
adjust my expectations of them by default.

Do you know how many people subscribe to this mail list? Each one of them has to deal with your idiotic reply request. Perhaps everyone who receives this list should accept your reply requests and inundate your inbox with thousands of replies.

Larry, thanks for coming up with an appropriate response [which has eluded me, I admit]. Thoughtlessly but with no harm intended, Bruce has chronically inconvenienced thousands of list users. Maybe, with your comment, he will see the light. If not, you have supplied an antidote.

Larry, I see that Bruce has rejected your first suggestion, to desist. It's sad, but there we are. So I have taken your second suggestion - three times, just now - and will continue to do so every time Bruce afflicts the list with a return receipt request. In the interest of a cleaner list, I hope others are also taking your suggestion.


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