On 03/10/10 00:15, John Kennedy wrote:
On 10/02/2010 06:04 PM, AG wrote:
Hi all

Given Novell's recent buy-out of Sun Microsystems, the subsequent loss
of OOo and OpenSolaris it is time to shift towards LibreOffice to show
support for the history of OOo and the ethos of open source software.

Having just recently installed the 3.3 beta version for Debian testing,
I'm pleased to be able to report a clean bill of health, a vibrant
community and a stable code-base.

Making the switch is quite straight forward. Just follow the
instructions at the document foundation
as well as described here <http://www.documentfoundation.org/>.

Support the open source philosophy that gave us all OOo in the first place.


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1) Novell did not buy Sun - Oracle did
2) OOo is still being developed by Oracle. While the liklihood of that continuing in the future is unclear, for now there is no need to panic. Oracle will give warning before they pull the rug out (they did with OpenSolaris) which would then give ample opportunity to fork to a new version.
FUD works both ways...

Doh! Thanks John - my bad: Oracle *was* the one who bought out Sun, not Novell. Thanks for the correction.

Anyway, the newly installed LibO (apparently the preferred abbreviation) does look pretty good. Whether or not Oracle are going to pull the plug is difficult to determine of course, but the OOo project has already been forked and seems to be gathering a fair head of steam in terms of support.

I suppose the concern is that, given Oracle's treatment of OpenSolaris, the developer community were not keen to run a similar risk with OOo and have Oracle claim rights and so on to the code base if it continued to be developed after Oracle bought out Sun.

This is all speculative of course, but it would be a real shame if Oracle did do a nasty!


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