At 22:33 02/01/2011 +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:
A user is making forms for herself and other therapists. These forms will be printed, and to specify the place where text is to be typed there are lines on the page, created with four dashes and one Enter per line.

This works fine, but the original author wants to type out her forms for herself, instead of filling in the printed ones. she has no problem typing on the lines created with the dashes, but when the text wraps a line the top line loses its underline!

That's not surprising, since what you have created is not an underline but a paragraph border below each paragraph. And the text that wraps is one continuos paragraph, of course - which gets a single border after it, not after each line.

How can she prevent this from happening? Should she use a different type of line?


You could keep the original scheme, enter the text, and then go back, putting the cursor at the end of each line in turn and pressing Enter. This converts the passage into separate paragraphs, each of which will inherit the style and be given a trailing border.

Here's another suggestion:
o Put a left tab stop at the right margin (er, or perhaps right at the left, depending on your locale!).
o  Press Tab followed by Enter the required number of times.
o Select all the lines and go to Format | Character... | Font Effects | Underlining (or right-click | Style > | Underline, or click the Underline button in the Formatting toolbar). o If the entered text is not justified, this will leave the space at the end of each line not underlined. If this matters, you can add a Tab character at the end of each line.

There are probably neater methods ...

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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