On Mon, 2011-09-05 at 16:18 -0400, David B Teague sr wrote:
> I used OO.o from the earliest days, and switched 
> to LO when the Oracle bought Sun and screwed things up. I can't really 
> say OO.o is better or worse than LO, but I don't use OO.o because Oracle 
> has made it difficult for everyone. I believe LO has some features that 
> OO.o doesn't. I have not had LO crash or freeze.
> David
> -- nil significat nisi oscillat
>     do wop, do wop, do wop.


Can you readily sum up the necessary steps for migrating from Open
Office to LibreOffice? Principally the gotchas? But also the means
of preserving the docs - I assume the file formats are identical
or practically so...?



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