Thank you.  A very powerful macro. Quite impressive.

And yet ...

<alert ... whining below>

Yet another learn-it-yourself kit from OOo.

It's a .sxd file.  With no instructions.  How do I install this?  (Answer, you 
don't.  It is a document with an embedded macro.  Just open it.)

It states that the file name (the one to be split) is hard coded in the macro 
but doesn't say what it is or how to change it.  (Run the macro.  It fails and 
opens the editor with an error message.  Scroll back up a bit and the hard 
coded file name and path is in red.  Change it to something you can use.  The 
present path looks linux-like but windows paths work fine.)

The embedded file name is a .sxi.  What the heck is that?  (It's an old Impress 
format.  You can save your file as a .sxi in Save As.  Don't know if you lose 
anything in the old format.)

Hmmm, that means it is an old macro.  Will it run in 2.0?  (Yes, it does run.)

Will it work on an Open Document format file?  (I don't know.  I haven't tried 
that yet.  There are a couple of places in the macro that call out the .sxi 
explicitly.  I suppose you would change those to .odp and see what happens.  Or 
even .xls?)

When you test it, use a file with only a few slides.  On my machine, at least, 
it is fairly slow and stops for each file for you to click save for the PDF 
format.  I couldn't find a way to successfully and gracefully abort in mid-run.

<end whine>

I look with anticipation (not necessarily joy) towards learning enough about 
the macro language to see if I can mod this to be a little friendlier.

If someone can suggest an easily incorporated module to allow you to input (or 
even better, browse for) the file name, I would be appreciative.


Andrew Douglas Pitonyak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Does this help?

Paul Sims Wright wrote:
> Powerpoint has a function to save a slideshow as JPGs (or GIFs, etc). 
> When you choose it, it asks whether you want just a single slide or the
> entire show.  Impress has an export to JPG but only for a single slide. 
> Is there a macro to export an entire show as JPGs?
> Similarly, is there a macro which will take a slideshow and save each
> slide as an independent file (PPT or ODP)?
> -----Paul-----
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Andrew Pitonyak
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