On Thursday 16 November 2006 9:03 am, D. Shick wrote:
> I receive the following error in Base:
> SQL Status: 22001
> Error code: -124
> Value too long in statement [INSERT INTO "Products" ( "BookName",
> "Issuenumber", "Original Sales Price", "Publisher", "Vol/Year" ) VALUES (
> ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )]
> Can you tell me why?

yes if you can publish the schema of the data base, and the values you are 
trying to stuff into the field.   Most likely you problem lies somewhere 
there.  like are you trying to stuff a real number into an integer,  or a 255 
var[char] into a string defined as 25.  Fred

> Thank you.
>        Denise L Shick
> Living the Dream 1991

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