If the 龙 desires - as I presume he does - the ability to imput Chinese
glyphs directly from his Mac keyboard, my suggestion would be that he
download the latest version (1.4.5) av SCIM, which can be done from
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=108454. It is designed
to work on all POSIX OS, of which Mac OS X is one (fully compliant). It
works quite well on my Ubuntu 6.10 system....


PS :Where does «Chian» lie ?


2007/3/31, Kojo Idrissa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Ha Qi or F.A. Hutchinson,

There IS Chinese language support for OO.o on Windows, so no need to
back to Word if you have to switch back to Windows.  I've used OO.o under
Windows until about 2 weeks ago.  Which version of OO.o on the Mac are you
using, 2.1 or 2.2?  I live in Guangzhou and I bought my Macbook Pro in the
US in February.

I'm going to install OO.o 2.2 on my Intel Macbook Pro later tonight or
tomorrow, so I'll check out it's Chinese language support soon.

On 3/31/07, the 龙 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Regarding Chinese language for Apple computers:
> Disappointing to discover there is no Chinese support for Apple OS X!
> This will cause me to shift back to Window/Word.  I'm living in China
> need now.
> Thanks,
> F.A. Hutchison
> in Chian

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