Thanks for your prompt reply.

I think that I did everthing required through to executing 'Setup.exe' which
as you say asked about Word, Excel and Powerpoint i.e. did I want to make OO
the default to handle such documents. I must have done this correctly as I
received an email with a powerpoint slideshow which was handled by OO.

As I say the file UWINAPI.DLL can be seen in  openofficeorg3 folder held in
the same folder as Setup.exe e.g. 2.1 Installation Files
folder which in turn is held in Desktop. The problem being that after
setting up my keyboard hot keys I get the message deetailed in my previous
email below i.e. 'The application has failed to start because uwinapi.dll
was not found. Reinstalling the application may solve the problem' .

Hope that you can help

Dalziel Aitchison

-------Original Message-------
From: Harold Fuchs
Date: 03/28/07 00:52:58
Subject: Re: [users] UWINAPI.DLL could not be accessed
Dalziel wrote:
I have just (24.3.2007) downloaded version 2.1 of My problem
is : I have attempted to set the hot keys on my Trust Silverline Keyboard to
rapidly access OpenOffice Writer Calc and Impress and in each case I get the
message 'The application has failed to start because uwinapi.dll was not
found. Reinstalling the application may solve the problem'. 
uwinapi.dll appears to be in folder 
I have reinstalled the application but still get the same response. Please
note that to remove the application first (prior to reinstalling) using
OpenOffice Install/Remove software was not possible as it stopped responding
 I had to use my Windows XP software to remove the system prior to
The Trust Silverline Hotkeys mentioned above have previously been used to
access the equivalent Microsoft Works programs with absolutely no problem. 
As I mentioned in my registration of OpenOffice, Microsoft Works is good but
does not have all the features of Microsoft Office which being a pensioner I
cannot afford. My son recommended that I downloaded OpenOffice as he had
found it excellent and totally reliable. 
I would welcome your assistance in this problem please. 
Dalziel Aitchison
Tel: 01484 713491

I don't believe you have installed OpenOffice (OO); instead I think you have
only downloaded it, which is not the same.

Installing OO is a 3-step process:
1. Download the file to a folder of your choice, typically the desktop
2. Run the downloaded file. This will cause it to "unpack" itself into quite
a large number of files and folders which it places in a folder of your
choice, typically the desktop
3. Execute the program "setup.exe from within one of the folders created in
#2. This step *normally happens automatically* once step #2 has completed.

At this point OO asks you a number of questions including how you want it to
handle Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) documents.

Once you have completed #3, you can delete the file you downloaded in #1
*and* the folder and its contents, including subfolders, that got created in

At this point you should be able to set hotekys etc. Please note that OO can
handle (read and write) the vast majority of MS office files but, as far as
I know, cannot handle *Works* files. Instead you need to have Works save the
files in Word, Excel, ... format first.

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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